Sensational Gov Backdown Sends Uni Bill To Inquiry

Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Liberals have sensationally backed down and sent their university fee hikes and funding cuts legislation to a Senate inquiry.
This followed a Greens motion on Tuesday which showed Labor, Greens and crossbench support for an inquiry.
Senator Faruqi said:
“This is a sensational backdown from the government. The Liberals had every intention of pushing this legislation through before the budget.
“Not only did the Liberals gag debate in the House to ram the bill through, they voted against my inquiry referral motion just two days ago. They’ve now been dragged to the table, kicking and screaming.
“It’s critical that the Senate hear from universities and everyone who is impacted by this dud legislation.
“An inquiry will help take this rotten bill apart so we can block it once and for all in October,” she said.

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