The Opposition is urging Mr Morrison to finally commit to a National Integrity Commission in the final sitting fortnight of the year.
There is no reason to end 2018 without a bi-partisan commitment to a national anti-corruption body.
We welcome today’s open letter to the Prime Minister from 34 former judges, calling on him to establish a National Integrity Commission.
The former judges write: “A National Integrity Commission is urgently needed to fill the gaps in our integrity system and restore trust in our democracy.”
Labor agrees.
In recent years, many Australians have lost faith in politics and our public institutions. It’s time for us to do better. It’s time for us to help restore people’s faith in politics.
At the beginning on 2018, we announced our plan to legislate for a federal anti-corruption body.
A bi-partisan process to establish a National Integrity Commission would help ensure the complex consultation and design work can be completed swiftly, and a body established as a priority.
Mr Morrison delayed the Banking Royal Commission by voting against it 26 times. He shouldn’t make the same mistake with a National Integrity Commission.
Let’s make this issue above politics. The Parliament can come together this week and start the process of establishing a National Integrity Commission.
The Labor Opposition will continue to push for a National Integrity Commission. And if Mr Morrison refuses to act, a Shorten Labor Government will make it law.

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