Horse Register Commitment Welcome But Now The Work Must Begin

Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the Australian Government’s response to the Senate inquiry into the feasibility of a national horse traceability register but said that work must immediately commence.
Senator Faruqi established the inquiry in early 2019, and the committee reported in November. Senator Faruqi said:
“It’s great that the government supports a traceability register, but now we need action.
“Ten months have passed since the committee reported, and six months have passed since the working group was announced. That group hasn’t even been established, let alone met.
“The states and territories have an important role to play but this is no reason for the federal government to distance itself from this issue. A national register requires national leadership. It’s time for the Minister to drive this process.
“No one wants to see this report gather dust in the back of Minister Littleproud’s office. The government needs to start work immediately.
“The community wants real action on the welfare of horses, rider safety and biosecurity,” she said.

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