Don’t dump on SA: major flaws in bill for proposed nuclear waste dump

The Greens strongly oppose the bill to establish a nuclear waste dump at Kimba.
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Senator for South Australia said:
“The Senate Inquiry showed that this is a highly flawed bill. There are deep concerns that this bill blatantly seeks to prevent any right to judicial review of this process and sets in stone Kimba as the dump site against strong community opposition.”
“The Morrison Government has no mandate from the people of South Australia to dump nuclear waste in our backyard. The decision to set up a nuclear waste dump in SA will affect our state for generations to come. All South Australians should have the right to have their say on this important issue.”
“The Morrison Government has bungled this process from the beginning. They have mismanaged site selection, failed to secure the consent of the Traditional Owners, the Barngala people, and failed to consult the broader South Australian community.”
“The Government needs to halt this process and establish an independent inquiry into all waste management options.”
”The Greens will fight this is Canberra, and work hard in Parliament to stop our state being the Morrison Government’s dumping ground.”
Mark Parnell MLC said:
“Nuclear waste dumps are illegal in South Australia under State law. We already know that the Traditional Owners of the land are opposed to the dump. They were even denied the right to vote in the community ballot. Also, other affected communities through which nuclear waste will be transported, weren’t even consulted.
If the Federal Government pushes ahead with this divisive project, it will also trigger a State Parliamentary inquiry, where all those South Australian communities ignored so far, will be able to express their concerns.”

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