Kids should defy PM’s school lecture: Bandt

Students planning to participate in a national school strike this Friday calling for emergency action on climate change should ignore the Prime Minister’s hectoring Question Time speech, Greens Deputy Leader and climate and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, said today.
Mr Bandt asked the Prime Minister if he would join the Greens in praising the students and if he would meet with some of the students when they come to Parliament this Wednesday. The Prime Minister’s response was an ignorant condescending lecture.
“The PM is unbelievably out of touch with young people, not only in Australia but around the world,” Mr Bandt said.
“These students want a leader to protect their future, but they got a hectoring, ungenerous and condescending rebuke from someone even worse than Tony Abbott.
“Students and young people are striking this Friday because governments have failed them in Australia and around the world.
“I met with some of these courageous young people from my electorate last week and I am proud to be their local MP and I am proud of their actions.
“Labor’s approval of another giant coal mine for the Galilee Basin shows they are just as out of touch with the mood of young Australians.”

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