Greens to bring Bight drilling ban debate to Senate

Australian Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young will bring her Private Member’s Bill to ban oil and gas drilling in the Great Australian Bight to the Senate for debate today.
“Drilling in the Great Australian Bight is high-risk, no-reward for South Australia or the nation. If we are to protect the Bight, act on climate change, and remove the risk of a devastating oil spill, drilling must be banned,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“Like with the Adani coal mine in Queensland, both the Labor and Liberal parties are ignoring the concerns of the community. The longer they back foreign fossil fuel  companies over the community the harder it will be to transition to a clean zero-carbon economy.
“Putting an oil rig in the middle of a whale sanctuary is madness. We need to be doing more to protect our marine life and oceans, not turning our coastline into an oil field.
“South Australians are proud of our Great Australian Bight and Kangaroo Island is the jewel in our tourism crown.
“Protecting the Bight is a key issue for The Greens at the upcoming Federal Election. We stand with the thousands of passionate South Australians and coastal communities around the country fighting to get big oil out of our Bight.
“We want to show the world how great our Bight is, by giving it World Heritage protection, not turn it into an oil field.
“It was vital the Senate has an opportunity to debate this Bill before the end of the year. The South Australian community has the right to know where their senators stand on this issue – either with them, or with the oil and gas giants.”

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