Research out today by the Chifley Research Centre provides further evidence of why Labor’s cheaper child care plan is urgently needed for families, educators and the sector.
The report states that early childhood education and care (ECEC) should be seen as a key part of Australia’s social and economic infrastructure.
It notes Australian families contribute 37 per cent of ECEC costs, compared to the OECD average of 18 per cent.
The report states that improving affordability so more children are participating and workforce participation is boosted will generate economic and social benefits.
The analysis finds there are significant gaps in the data and transparency, and makes recommendations to improve our understanding of the sector.
In addition the report stresses the importance of quality in early learning, which has always been a central pillar of Labor’s approach to ECEC.
This report highlights the importance of Labor’s plan to task the ACCC to bring more transparency to the sector and examine the relationship between funding, fees, profits, and educators’ salaries.
Labor’s child care plan will also provide immediate relief to families through our Cheap Child Care for Working Families, which will leave 97 per cent of families using childcare better off.
Labor will also task the Productivity Commission to conduct a comprehensive review of the sector, with the aim to implement a universal 90 per cent subsidy for all families.
There are a chorus of calls from experts across the country to invest in our early education and care system.
Labor, families, business leaders, economists and the sector know affordable, high quality child care is vital to ensure children receive an early education, parents can work when they want, and educators are employed.
The Morrison Government are the only ones who don’t get it.

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