Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 8 December 2020

Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 8 December 2020. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Offshore Wind
A Lord Mayoral Minute commending the NSW Parliament on the recent passing of the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Bill 2020, paving the way for the creation of the Hunter Renewable Energy Zone, was carried.
The minute welcomed the emergence of large-scale offshore wind infrastructure as a viable renewable energy source with the potential to unlock $30 billion of investment and create thousands of local, well paid jobs and noted the opportunity for a new infrastructure manufacturing industry to emerge in Newcastle and the Hunter, paving the way for our City to become a renewable energy hub of the Asia-Pacific region.
The minute called for Council to write to Energy and the Environment Minister Matt Kean asking for the inclusion of offshore wind in the Hunter Renewable Energy Zone, and to meet with a delegation of City of Newcastle, industry, business and Trade Union representatives to discuss its opportunities for environmental sustainability, local jobs and economic diversification.
COVID-19 Taskforce Update
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to recognise the work and initiatives of the City Taskforce, which was established in April to provide local leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thanking the members of the Taskforce and Action Team for their valuable contribution to the City’s recovery.
The minute also requested that, rather than dissolve at the end of 2020, the functions of the Taskforce be transferred to the Strategy and Innovation Advisory Committee chaired by Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen, as a mechanism to continue address COVID-19 pandemic matters as they arise.
Dr Anthea Bill, Lead Economist, Hunter Research Foundation Centre (HRFC), was invited to present to Council in 2021 regarding HRFC’s City Taskforce Evaluation.
Ordinary business
Code of conduct annual statistics
Council received a report on City of Newcastle’s annual Code of Conduct complaints statistics for the period 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020, in accordance with Office of Local Government requirements.
Stairway to Heaven concept
Council voted to endorse the ‘Stairway to Heaven’ concept, which seeks to open up connections and view lines from Newcastle foreshore and the Hunter Street Mall to Christ Church Cathedral. The Chief Executive Officer was authorised to undertake feasibility analysis and discussions to progress the concept. This includes exploring the potential for the Mall Car Park site to be redeveloped to deliver the concept while also protecting the public car parking spaces and social infrastructure to ensure that was provided in any new concept.
Adoption of 2021 Council meeting cycle
Council resolved to adopt the Council meeting schedule that will apply from February to December 2021.
Adoption of Section 7.12 Newcastle Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 (Update December 2020)
Council voted to adopt the Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 (Update December 2020), which determines the Section 7.12 local infrastructure levy that applies to land within the Newcastle Local Government Area and what public facilities are to be funded by the levy. The Plan is reviewed annually to reflect City of Newcastle’s adopted Budget.
Endorsement of planning proposal to amend Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 – 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher
Council voted for an amended motion to maintain the zoning of 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher as E4 Environmental Living and write to NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean to consider including it into the National Parks estate, noting the property’s strategic importance to the Green Corridor.
Urban Design Review Panel
Council voted to endorse the establishment of a new Urban Design Review Panel, which provides independent advice to City of Newcastle and applicants on the quality of urban design and amenity for development proposals.
Implementation of Live Music and After Dark Strategies – planning certificates
Council voted for an amended motion to progress with the implementation of planning certificate notations to notify future purchasers of properties within the Newcastle Local Government Area of City of Newcastle’s adopted Live Music Strategy and Newcastle After Dark Night-time Economy Strategy.
Council asked to receive a briefing from the relevant NSW Government agency or Office of Live Music on the new laws and seek a report from Officers at the next meeting of Council on the opportunities the new laws provide in the delivery of CN’s Live Music Strategy and After Dark Strategy.
Maryland Drive, Maryland – proposed pedestrian refuges near Grange Avenue and Holywell Street
Council voted to approve the construction of pedestrian refuges on Maryland Drive near Grange Avenue and Holywell Street, Maryland.
Fort Scratchley Historical Society Incorporated – Memorandum of Understanding
Council voted to endorse the Memorandum of Understanding with the Fort Scratchley Historical Society Incorporated to recognise and acknowledge the historical and cultural importance of the site to the local community; work undertaken by the Society to preserve the site; and a commitment of City of Newcastle and the Society to the ongoing management and operation of Fort Scratchley.
Adoption of Strategic Sports Plan
Council voted for an amended motion to adopt the Strategic Sports Plan, which addresses future demand and informs the ongoing supply, maintenance and upgrading of sporting infrastructure with consideration of current and future community needs, adopted strategies and City of Newcastle’s financial capacity and sustainability. The amendment included the provision of both recreational and competition basketball facilities in the Plan.
Adoption of Carrington Greenspace Masterplan
Council voted to adopt the Carrington Greenspace Masterplan, which outlines a vision and principles for the strategic development of greenspaces and public domain in Carrington, providing innovative and active spaces for all members of the community to enjoy.
Tender report – parking meter services – 2021/125T
Council voted to enter into a contract for Parking Meter Services for City of Newcastle’s existing fleet of parking meters.
LED street lighting upgrade
Council voted to enter into a contract with Ausgrid to replace all remaining non-efficient residential and main road street lighting with LED lighting.
Notices of Motion
Council adopted a notice of motion to request that McDonalds Restaurants attend a workshop with Ward 1 Councillors and a small number of representatives from the Newcastle West Residents group on the safety, security and cleanliness measures that are in place at the King St, Newcastle West McDonalds’ premises and any future measures currently being planned.
Domestic violence, violence against women and children, and coercive control
Council adopted an amended notice of motion to receive a report on City of Newcastle’s policies or plans that support existing domestic violence support organisations and women’s refuges within the LGA, and ensure that City of Newcastle workplace policies are reviewed to provide safe and effective mechanisms for staff to report incidents of inappropriate workplace behaviours. Council will also partner with City of Newcastle’s charity partner Got Your Back Sista to investigate and support the publication and promotion of a pocket guide on relationships, domestic abuse and coercive control to assist people to understand what help is available.
Virus Escapees Seeking Provincial Australia (VESPAS)
Council adopted a notice of motion that seeks to explore opportunities to benefit from the accelerated trend of residents leaving capital cities for a ‘sea change’ or ‘tree change’, known as VESPAs (Virus Escapees Seeking Provincial Australia), by promoting Newcastle to VESPAs as a lifestyle city for innovative and creative talent.
Love Lambton 150 years event
A notice of motion was supported to recognise the 150th anniversary of the Municipality of Lambton in June 2021 and provide $10,000 in cash and in-kind support to support the delivery of the event.

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