Future Fund must divest from Adani

The Future Fund must divest the $3 million it has put into a railway for the climate-destroying Adani coal mine, the Greens say.

Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
“This is public money and should be invested for the public good.”
“Having already ruled out investing in tobacco products, the Future Fund must urgently get out of fossil fuels.”
“This is a bad investment financially, morally and environmentally. To use public funds to cook the planet is an extraordinary error of judgement.”
“Adani has an appalling environmental and human rights record. They do not deserve a single cent of public money.”
Greens Leader in the Senate and Spokesperson for Mining and Resources Senator Larissa Waters said:
“Australians would be horrified to know that their so-called Future Fund is funding projects that would wreck their future.”
“Public money should not be used to prop up unviable projects that will worsen the climate crisis which is cooking the reef and turbo charging extreme weather events.”
“The Greens have long campaigned for the Future Fund to divest from coal on economic and climate grounds, and now also on human rights grounds.”
“There is no economic future in coal as global market dwindle as the world embraces renewable energy to tackle the climate crisis.”

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