Australia sucks up to Trump at Katowice

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Morrison government was sucking up to Donald Trump at the global climate change conference (the 24th Conference of the Parties) in Katowice, Poland. Instead of siding with countries who are serious about the transition away from coal, Australia overnight cosied up to representatives from Trump’s climate-denying administration who were spruiking fossil fuels, joining them on a panel to promote fossil fuels and Chevron’s giant Gorgon LNG project.
“Australia is now actively cheerleading for Trump. Campaigning for fossil fuels at a climate summit shows a wilful disregard for human life,” said Mr Bandt.
“This is no longer just about Australia’s international reputation. Now we’re an existential threat to our Pacific neighbours and we’re boasting about it.
“Australia is sucking up to Trump and spruiking fossil fuels when we should be joining countries who are trying to stop the climate emergency.
“Meanwhile, Melissa Price is already shaping up to be a wrecker at this climate conference, with Australia joining the oil cartel in remaining silent while the rest of the world defended the ‘1.5 degrees’ report by the world’s scientists from attack by the US and Russia.
“Meanwhile Labor is refusing to rule out using the Liberals’ dodgy accounting tricks to meet our already measly climate commitments.
“Labor needs to immediately rule out using any ‘carryover’ from Kyoto to meet Australia’s international obligations. If they refuse, they’ll be profiting from climate denialism and making it harder to stop global warming.”

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